荣誉 Program

Serious Play


  • 这是一个思想交流和知识见解超越课堂的地方,
  • A place where fantastically individual, 古怪的, 有趣的, eclectic personalities can meet, 讨论, 和学习,
  • A place where ideas 和 imagination are taken seriously,

...Alfred University's 荣誉 Program may be just the place for you.


十大网赌平台的荣誉课程旨在通过提供研讨会来丰富你的本科教育,让你有机会探索思想, 主题, 文化, obscurities outside your normal academics. 不与你的主修或辅修课程相冲突, our program allows you to breathe, 玩得开心, 和那些和你一样对丰富他们的大学经历感到兴奋的人一起探索新的和不寻常的东西.

What Students Say...

The 荣誉 Program is wonderfully unpretentious. 这些人懂得不把生活太当回事,但却认真对待自己的学业. What a great outlook. - Jay Weisberger



在我们的荣誉研讨会上,学生们探索了混沌理论、生物伦理学和流行文化. 他们写过儿童读物,研究过哈利波特,讨论过 《十大网赌平台》The Sopranos, 和学习ed how to make their own maple syrup. They have even prepared for the Zombie apocalypse!

最重要的是, 我们的课程为学生提供成长和提高教育的机会,以独特的方式使其既有趣又具有挑战性. 这就是为什么我们说我们的荣誉课程是“严肃的游戏”——这是你在非盟教育中获得的额外的东西.

Check out our 2023 荣誉 Program official newsletter: The Honorific!

The 外星人 Did It? – John D’Angelo
Mondays, 7:20 - 9:10 p.m.
一些理论认为,这个星球已经被外星人访问了几千年,这些访客影响了人类历史的进程. In this course, 我们将讨论选定的理论和它们的优点,并讨论在宇宙中寻找生命. 我们将讨论这些理论的一些支持者捏造证据的指控, 而另一些人则故意忽视与他们的理论相反的可靠证据. 这些要点将被涵盖,以及科学不端行为的部分讨论. Students will write a paper on an alien theory of their choosing. Finally, the class will make 和 edit our own episode of 古老的 外星人,专注于与十大网赌平台有关的“(完全捏造的)外星人理论”.

DO NOT PASS GO AND DO NOT PLAY MONOPOLY: What we can learn through board games – Likin Simon Romero
Wednesdays, 6:20 - 8:10 p.m.
在这堂课上,我们将看到如何使用棋盘游戏作为教学工具. Each class will be centered about a subject (history, 经济学, natural sciences, social justice, morality 和 ethics, among others). 学生们将在课堂上做一个与主题相匹配的游戏. 他们将被要求填写一份关于他们玩过的棋盘游戏及其主题的简短问卷. As a final project, students will choose a topic 和 a board game, then develop supporting materials (such as brochures, reference cards, 图片, audio, questionnaires, 等.),可以在课堂环境中用于教授所选主题.

《十大正规网赌平台》加勒特·麦高恩和 Chris Romanchock
Wednesdays, 7:20 - 9:10 p.m.
用药物, as a source of nutrients, in worship 和 religion, as a social lubricant, 从远古时代到现在,人们一直在使用酒精(乙醇). 它很可能是在数万年前的一次偶然事件中进入人类文化的, while abused by a minority of drinkers, most people derive pleasure from its consumption. 在这门课程中,我们将探讨乙醇的历史和科学. 本课程将结合实验练习和讲座, may include but not be limited to “crafting a homebrew,” analysis of beer/wine/spirits, field trips to vineyards 和 invited speaker visits.

Monsters: from Folklore to Reality – Andy Eklund
Wednesdays, 7:20 - 9:10 p.m.
In this course, we'll examine the influence of religion, 文化, science on monsters throughout history. 我们将看看我们如何应对怪物的存在,包括阿尔法掠食者或其他生物源于民间传说或现实. 与怪物相关的话题,比如基因工程、人工智能、流行病, & invasive species will be analyzed. We'll also focus on the scariest monsters – HUMANS. Through group presentations, designing our own monsters, keeping a journal, a team trivia final, we'll 讨论 how 种族歧视, anti-immigration, 对核的恐惧是通过文学和媒体对怪物的描绘来表达的. We’ll talk about the psychology of fear, 希望能参加万圣节的传统活动,包括南瓜雕刻和鬼屋 & a field trip to 葛底斯堡.

Printed Matter – Thomas Logan
Tuesdays, 7:20 - 9:10 p.m.
本课程将通过社交媒体和流行文化探讨印刷品的近代史. Students will get a h和s-on approach in all aspects of designing, 喷码, printing 和 reproduction. 从衣服到物体上的打印,我们将介绍围绕打印和标记的各种方法. We’ll 讨论 color theory, practical design elements, Photoshop和所有当前的趋势塑造现代印刷品和印象. 以特定地点的项目形式对您的印刷品进行最终评论,以展示您的远见和才能. Materials 和 lab usage will be provided. Students of all backgrounds 和 levels of experience are welcome.

星球大战: Myth, Magic, Mania – Danielle Gagne
Tuesdays, 7:20 - 9:10 p.m.
With recent shows like The M和alorian, 和或, Ahsoka在美国,迪士尼已经引导了原力,并大量添加了原力 星球大战 佐贺,从玩具到咖啡奶精,所有东西都有他的特许形象. This course will examine the seven 星球大战 从当代神话和讲故事的角度对电影进行批判和分析, 原型, 女权主义, 种族歧视, 政治, merch和ising, its general cult-like influence on American 文化. Students will engage in weekly quizzes, 论文, 参数, 讨论s based on readings 和 screenings, culminating in a final project.

Mondays, 7:20 - 9:10 p.m.
From ancient soldiers of Sparta 和 samurai of Japan, to marathon runners 和 triathletes, to today’s on-screen superheroes, 探索历史上不同浓度的运动员训练方法的演变, including the physical regimens, nutritional guidelines, mental approaches, designed to achieve maximum success. Weekly readings 和 videos will stimulate in-class 讨论s, 学生们将被要求准备一份最后的报告,总结他们认为最有趣的技术, whether there are any methods they might adopt themselves.

Your Brain on Nature – Beth Johnson
Mondays, 7:20 - 9:10 p.m.
探索与自然世界的接触如何影响人们的思维方式, their mental 和 physical health, their overall well-being! 我们将阅读和讨论关于人与自然互动时大脑和身体发生了什么的研究和理论, 我们将调查我们周围的自然世界,将课程材料与我们在阿尔弗雷德的生活经历联系起来. 学生将寻找自然元素带到课堂上进行欣赏和评价, 我们都将找到与自然互动的方法,同时反思我们的经历. There will be reading 和 reflective writing, 讨论, companionship in adventure, 所有这些都适合不同水平的技能和熟悉户外活动的人.